
2023-07-18 17:21    来源:大众网


From July 3 to 6,asummer camp on Chinese culture was held at the Confucius Classroom at EuroED under Confucius Institute at the University of Bucharest (hereinafter referred to as the "Confucius Institute at Bucharest"). Chinese teacher Fan Di, local teacher Malenica and 26 primary school students participated in the event.


This summer camp consists of three parts of Chinese cultural experiences and interaction with students.First, the paper-cutting experience.Teacher Fan Di took the topic of "color" as the starting point, led to the theme of paper-cutting, introduced the origin, development, meaning and other knowledge of paper-cutting.Under the guidance of the teacher,the students successfully cut out Chinese character“囍”,a nd add a lot of refreshing elements according to their own imagination,.

小学生剪纸体验Paper-cutting experience of primary school students


Next is the Chinese knot course.Teacher Fan Di organized the students to review the color words learned the day before, and showed the Chinese knot to arouse the students' interest.Compared with paper-cutting, the compilation of Chinese knots is challenging.After teacher Malenica explained the steps in Romanian, the students sat together and helped each other to finish their work.

小学生中国结体验 Chinese knot experience for primary school students


The last day is a calligraphy experience class.Teacher Fan demonstrated the writing style of brushstrokes through the Chinese character "Yong" from five aspects, such as stroke, stroke alignment, side, radicals, and the structure of Chinese interframe, sharing the history of the development of Chinese characters and the knowledge of the four treasures of the study.The students all benefited handily.

小学生书法体验Calligraphy experience of primary school students


After the activity, the teachers and students responded warmly, believing that this Chinese culture experience class arrangement helps to combine knowledge and practice, which has professional knowledge and is easy to understand.Sophia, a student from Grade Four, said that she had graduated from primary school, and immediately signed up for Chinese culture after class, hoping to learn more about Chinese culture in the future.Steven, a classmate, thought the Chinese knot was the most beautiful and would give it to his mother as a birthday present.


It is reported that this Chinese culture Summer camp activity is the first lesson of thesummer camp held at the Confucius Classroom at EuroED under Confucius Institute at Bucharest. It not only provides help for students to better understand Chinese knowledge, but also effectively stimulates the motivation and interest of primary school students to learn Chinese.(通讯员 范笛 刘云)



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